Ronald Green Responds To Mysterious and Mean-Spirited Email

No one has  been able to determine who is responsible for circulating the repulsive email in the race for  City of  Houston Controller.

(read previous post:

Controller Candidate/Council member Ronald Green has issued a statement denouncing the letter,  and the ugly attacks against his two opponents and fellow city council members Pam Holm and M.J. Khan.

Here is Green’s Statement that w as sent to 2 ON THE BEAT:

Yesterday someone using an asssumed name and purporting to support  my candidacy for City Controller, sent an email disparaging my opponents in the a particularly bigoted and mean-spirited way, and falsely claimed its contents were endorsed by a number of elected officials and community leaders.

This email is a fraud and an affront to all who received it and were referenced in it.  I UNEQUIVOCALLY REJECT IT!!! My work, as an At-Large Council Member for the last 6 years, and my campaign for City Controller are about bringing Houstonians of all backgrounds together to move our great city forward. The hateful messages in this email have no place in our political discourse.



I also received an email from Larry Green, who is listed as the author of the email.  As I reported earlier,  he denies having any knowledge of who sent it.

Fellow Houstonians,

It has recently come to my attention that a slanderous email issued the name of   Larry Green was distributed to the Southeast precinct judges, and god knows whoever, stating vile and racist comments about members in the race for Houston City Controller.  You should know that I,  Larry V. Green, did not write this email and would never write such ridiculous propaganda.  I am not endorsing anyone  in the  Controllers race or any race for that matter and my position as a leader of a major non-profit precludes me from doing so.  Someone is playing politics and I do not appreciate being thrown in the middle.  If anyone knows the origin of this tainted piece of scum email, please contact  me immediately.  I am turning this matter over to the local authorities for a full investigation and prosecution.  This email is repulsive and I DID NOT write it and whatever politico did and I find out will be sued.

Larry V. Green,  Esq.

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