Update on City Of Houston Bilingual Pay

As 2 On The Beat reported over the weekend, the Harris County Tejano Democrats held a news conference on Monday to voice their opposition to a budget proposal offered  by Mayor Pro-Tem Anne Clutterbuck to slash the city’s bilingual stipend for non-classified employees.

After hearing concerns from the public and administration, Clutterbuck has offered substitute language to her amendment that reads: Eliminate bilingual pay for all non-classified employees unless the employee is in direct contact with the public, demonstrates proficiency and there is a reasonable expectation that the language will be used in the normal course of their job duties.

 Clutterbuck says she was simply trying to save taxpayers more than $1 Million annually when she proposed making the change.

Meanwhile Mayor Parker has also issued a statement:

“We met with the council member.  She clarified her intent and that intent is accurately reflected in the substitute language. It addresses her budgetary concerns without hindering our ability to adequately meet the needs of our diverse population, and it reflects what has been long-standing city policy.  I anticipate the council member will offer the substitute at Wednesday’s council meeting.

3 Responses

  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by IDCC, Mary Benton. Mary Benton said: Another proposed change to the city of Houston's $75 monthy bilingual stipend for employees: http://tinyurl.com/25fyofm /Watch KPRC Local 2 […]

  2. […] the story notes, CM Clutterbuck has amended her amendment. After hearing concerns from the public and administration, Clutterbuck has offered substitute […]

  3. I am very proud of Clutterbucks efforts to reduce spending and make needed cutbacks I am in favor of cutting the stipends for city employees. I am a retired educator and have seen first hand that the focus needs to be on asking those who enter our country to simply learn the language. No other country in the world asks any less of people trying to enter their boarders. So much money has been sunk into Bilingual programs,which only provide a crutch for the many Spanish speaking families who make no attempt to eveb try to learn English. They work, send money back to Mexico, yet apply for Gold Card and have their babies “free” on our tax dollars at the county hospital of their choice! Not fair and soon the money will run out! I hope you continue to try to do your job and create budget cuts where needed.

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