New GOP Billboard Targets Black Voters

There it was at the corner of 610 and Scott: a new billboard targeting African-Americans.

I admit it caused me to do a double take.  I’m lucky that the billboard didn’t cause me to have a fender bender in heavy traffic. 

At the risk of sounding partisan (and, trust me – I’m not) I don’t know how anyone can make the  claim in 2010 that “GOP is the new Black.”  


The ad is paid for by Raging Elephants, and you can read more at

I realize that the GOP has done limited outreach to African-American voters, and there are some who believe the party’s message of  limited spending, anti-abortion and smaller government.

But in this year of the angry Tea Party, talk of  taking “back our country”  and Rush Limbaugh calling President Obama a jack###, most African-Americans I know are offended and turned off  by the GOP.

Someone please show me proof of  an African-American stampede toward the Republican Party.

I doubt the GOP in Texas will win more than 10%  of the African-American vote.

I’ve always believed that people should vote for the party or political candidates of their choice.

I honestly don’t know how anyone can believe that G.O.P. is the new Black.

89 Responses


  2. Can you post this at DailyKos?

    If not, may I post this in it’s entirety with a link to the original?

    You need a photobucket or other approved image there. I put one up which you may use, or I will.

    • Feel free to post to the original. I’m not sure how to post to DailyKos. – Thanks, Mary

  3. They can’t be serious.

  4. I, for one, am a black man who isn’t supporting Obama any more and will vote for some GOP candidates for the first time in my life (inclunding for the republican candidate Baker against our black governor Deval Patrick).

    Being a socially liberal/fiscally conservative type of guy, I believe Obama and the democrats have gone too far to the left in their policies and have been ineffective of it. They’ve created a narrative of lambasting business and private initiative that I personally don’t appreciate at all. I think a divided government, as we had in the 80s and 90s, can work better for us right now. Why should I be worried about the “angry Tea Party”? Or Rush Limbaugh? Politics is tough, people are angry and say mean things all the time, big freakin deal. And talking to my friends, I’ve got the feeling I’m not the only one and that a few of us will vote GOP for the 1st time, especially in the gubernatorial race (even though it won’t be a stampede or anything close to it), in a larger number, just stay at home this time around.

    And I’ll have no problem in voting Obama out of office in 2 years if it comes to that. I’m hoping the midterms are an eye-opening to him as they were to the great President Bill Clinton.


    • God Bless You Mr. Pierce! I LOVE when people think for themselves and don’t depend upon lying, corrupt politicians to do their thinking for them.

      Go Conservatism and Go Tea Party!!

  5. […] GOP has decided that they are The New Black. Nevermind the fact that the GOP’s idea of the perfect black man is dressed in a Cosby […]

  6. I will NEVER vote Republican for anything. These people are doing more than “saying mean” things about President Obama. It’s amazing to me that ANY black person can hear the dog whistles and not recognize what is being said. These extremists are trying to put blacks, the poor, and other minorities back into the cottonfields and at the back of all buses. They even want to eradicate public schools! This world is very scary once again for “brown people” and I plan to vote Democratic all the way because the alternatives are frightening and I fear for my grandchildren.

    • Sonja, how ignorant and naive can one be? Scary place once again for Brown people? What?! The country just voted in the first black president. What the hell do you know about slavery or sitting on the back of some bus. You probably drive an expensive car and have a cushy job at an office. Americans want their country back has nothing to do with Obama the man but rather with Obama’s policies. He could be white and this would be going on. You’re just eating into what the liberal media pukes up for you.

    • Sonja, actually the exact opposite is what the GOP is about. If you REALLY study your history, and the current events, it is the democrats that want to keep people poor and dependent on the government. It is the democrats that counts what race does what. Most republicians I know want equal opprotunity for all. Work hard-earn your due, keep what you earn, live the good life. That is all. But right now, the US pays more taxes than only one other country in the world!!! Taxes and regulations are KILLING business. Why bother to run a business if all your profits go to the govt, and you get nothing, not even one penny out of it to be able to feed your kids??? This is what the democrats model, and it must change.

  7. LOL! I respect but disagree with your nonpartisan stance (I could never consider supporting the GOP in its current form as an African American). However, I wholly agree that this billboard is pretty ridiculous. The GOP’s leadership must think that African Americans have missed such an ugly performance this past year and the half. For me, it’s not merely the teaparty wing of the GOP or Rush; I also am offended that the GOP leadership has taken such a combative stance against this administration, refusing to cooperate or collaborate on ideas to help Americans weather such a tough economic climate created by the policies of the previous Republican presidency and legislative majorities.

    Thanks for reporting about this!

    • Ummm…GN, unless your definition of cooperate and collaborate is to simply stand by and let your opponents run roughshod over the Constitution on which this country was founded, I think you’re suffering from either amnesia or complete confusion and ignorance (as in not knowing. Ignorance does not equal stupidity). If you paid any attention at all to the goings on of the past couple of years, you’ll notice that the GOP was largely shut out of any “collaboration” on any of the major legislation enacted by the current Congress. The Dems (frankly, I don’t care for either party, as I am equally wary of both) recognized their supermajority status and jumped into rewriting the workings of the country with both feet, giving little regard for the will of the American people. Poll after poll showed waning support for Cap and Trade and Nationalized Health Care, but they passed both through one or the other house of Congress anyway. Then when it came time to reconcile the bill, they recognized that they didn’t have sufficient public support and started modifying the rules and armtwisting so they could accomplish their goals. If you want to live in a progressive socialist republic, there are plenty to choose from the world over. This country was not set up as such and does not function as such. Furthermore, as is evidenced by the TEA party groundswell, the people don’t want that kind of government. It’s akin to Californians leaving California and moving to Montana, then trying to make Montana into California. If you want California, stay there. If you want a progressive socialist government, move to where that climate exists. WE DON’T WANT IT HERE!!!

  8. Kevin – You’re no liberal. No liberal would EVER vote Republican ….. and no liberal, true liberal, would think President Obama is too leftist. You’re a GOP hack – some ReThug pretender.

  9. I’d think a guy with the screen-name “Wordsmith” would actually pay closer attention to the WORDS Kevin wrote.

    He said, “socially liberal” and “fiscally conservative”, and I’m right there with him. If you looked past skin color – your own and Mr. Obama’s – and actually looked at the issues in their true light, you’d find that MOST Americans are socially liberal and fiscally conservative – at least in their ideology.

    And, maybe you should research exactly what a “true liberal” is. A TRUE Liberal could never support Obama’s agenda. Neo-Libs, yes. There’s a difference.

    • Kudos, Mary. Well stated, and amen.

    • Who said I supported Obama’s agenda? I know what a true liberal is; I’ve been one for decades. I don’t need to research shit.

      You go on ahead, Mary, and be ‘right there with’ Kevin and vote against your interests. These candidates that up as ReThugs are downright scary with rigid and often racist stands.

    • A “social liberal” and a “fiscal conservative” is an oxymoron. It just can’t happen! Being socially liberal means supporting excessive spending to fund outlandish social programs. Thus…you cannot be a fiscal conservative which means “cutting social programs to reduce spending and keep a balanced budget with no deficit”. There is no way you can support Obama and his policies and claim to be a “fiscal conservative” since he is the biggest spender and deficit creator in history. And what is your comment “But in this year of the angry Tea Party, talk of taking “back our country” and Rush Limbaugh calling President Obama a jack###, most African-Americans I know are offended and turned off by the GOP” supposed to mean? You are clearly stating that people are opposed to Obama’s policies BECAUSE he is black since you included “most African-Americans I know are offended and turned off by the GOP.” in your comment. Why…because they oppose a black man’s policies? Let me clue you in, Mary. History is being made this year with 38…count em…38 black GOP candidates who are eagerly fighting to “take back our country” and they, too, are tightly connected to the Tea Party. It’s too bad you don’t know THESE excellent candidates who are fighting for smaller government, less spending, pro-life, strong military issues and YOUR freedom. While you continue to pitch for those African-American friends, as you call them, THESE 38 black candidates call themselves AMERICANS.

  10. Tomtech- Are you gonna tell Momma Kos on the meanie GOP? LOL

  11. I’m sorry but as long as you still see COLOR instead of a person you will NEVER get past it and will forever be left behind.

  12. What I think is amazing is how you bashed the Republican party for this sign when it is actually the Raging Elephants group that put it up. Raging Elephant is a black Republican organization. Why is that so hard to understand that there are some African Americans that don’t think the same way as our current Administration.. Imagine that. The African Americans I know have more in common with the conservative way of thinking than the liberal way but voted for Obama because “he wasn’t George Bush” and it was a sign of the times when a black man could become President. I didn’t vote for Barack Obama but I did take pride in knowing our country has come a long way in electing the first black person to the highest office in the country.I didn’t vote for him because of his skin color just the fact that his political views and mine are not the same.

  13. The GOP, per se, and the democrat party are largely controlled by a group of individuals recently termed the ruling classes in an article designed to expose their agenda(s). (I have posted the URL at the bottom.) TEA party activists have become more aware of this as they tried to field candidates in the GOP. The resistance to these new candidates, driven by ideals rather than political aspirations, was very heated and underhanded. While not all agree with the stated purposes of the TEA party, most that oppose the movement don’t have an accurate view of the goals of those involved. The media have given a rather skewed and narrow view of this phenomenon, based largely on the democrats’ talking points. A fair number of blacks with open minds and conservative values have seen fit to join the movement. It should be noted that when they have come to meetings, we have welcomed them with open arms. Since the members of the black communities that join us are in direct opposition to the traditional politicians representing their communities, they take a somewhat greater risk for their views. This is greatly appreciated by other TEA partiers. There is no room in our movement for racial politics, the purpose is to create a stronger economy and society through individual freeedom. Freedom that must, by definition, extend equally to all citizens, without regard for race or ethnic origin.

    • Well state, Michael. I’ve heard it echoed and I believe we’re about to see the end of the GOP and their replacement by the TEA Party. Whether it will be called that is unclear, but the GOP has one, maybe two election cycles to either get onboard with the TEA Party and get back to their base and the core planks of their platform, or the TEA Party will, in all likelihood, become and independent party in its own right, relegating the GOP to minority (in terms of popularity, not race) status. Should that happen, we might actually see a return to basic fundamental federalism, a significantly smaller government, balanced budgets, debt reduction and eventual cancellation, and a true free market.

  14. Perhaps before you are so quick to jump to conclusions, you should check out the source for the billboard at

  15. While this billboard may be stupid it’s equally troubling that 91% of the black population votes for Obama when he has absolutely no intention of improving anyone’s condition. He’s a muslim first, a radical-leftist second, and the illegitmate child of a rebellious 60’s hippie third. The only thing he wants with America is it’s destruction and the party he supports wants nothing more than to keep the common man begging the goverment for meager handouts. Just keep believing that the goverment and politicians will save you and I guarantee that things will only get worse!

  16. Wordsmith, it is possible to be socially liberal and still vote for a republican. I consider myself very independent and chose who I vote for based on my wallet not the color of their skin, unlike those in 2008. I had high hopes for Obama, he talked the moderate talk but walks the lefty walk. He’s added to the catastrophe that was the Bush presidency. This is what happens when you elect people with no experience who rely solely on advisers to govern. If the people in this country would do some actual research about the candidates they plan to vote for and look through the lies to the facts they would at least be making a choice based on facts not because it’s the popular thing to do.

  17. Are you people serious? The progressives are destroying this country and the only thing that concerns you is the color of someone’s skin. Isn’t obama the one who said he would be the “post racial” president? He has done more to divide this country than any president in history…no wonder that loser was elected…I fear for the future of our country with people like you voting.

    • Well said Carla, most of the voters who voted for Obama were poorly informed.

  18. I think the article and the comments ,make me laugh. First of all, have anyone of you been to a tea party? Probably not, you just believe what you hear in the liberal media, which is so far from the truth. In stead of believing what you hear , why don’t you go to one and then comment. As far as this bill board, it was bought and paid from by Raging and Conservative group lead by a wonderful American that happens to be African American. He is the one on the picture. Apostle Clavers passion is to inform the African American community that they have more in common with the conservative values than they do with the liberal. This sign was posted because plan parenthood has built a huge building in the middle of poor neighborhoods. More African American babies are killed each year through abortion. Please before you close your mind, go visit his web sight, listen to what he has to say. I have listen to him at several events, he is an awesome speaker with a very good message. I suggest to more people of all races, before you vote , before you make up your mind, research the bills, research what the media is saying, they do not give us all the facts anymore. Do not become a sheep, become a leader. If you believe in the Presidents policies, look around the world and see if it has worked in other countries? I have been blessed to live overseas, I have family that live in Germany. I love to visit visit Europe but would not want to live there. I see their country and their government going broke and they are running away from the policies that Obama and his Czars are pushing us towards. They do not work, we all get pulled not not pushed up. It is not right to be envious of our neighbors, to think because they might have more that they should be made to give, without coming from their heart. The rich never pay, they just move and pretty soon there is no money left . The Democrats and Republicans and our social leaders and the rich will always be okay because they will exempt themselves from the laws that are created. Pelosi, the White House and Reid are all exempt from Obamacare. Why is that if it is such a great bill? We as Americans have to take responsibility for our lives and our choices. The government cannot fix it, people have to fix it through the chance to start a small business At least we have a chance to dream here, you cannot say that in the rest of the world!!! So why do you want to change America and make us like everyone else?

    • I was discovery green last year when the tea party movenebt got kicked off. Apostle Claver spoke there along with Felicia and others. Dems has not idea whats coming 11.02.10

  19. Only educated blacks will consider voting GOP. The rest of them will keep their heads in the sand and stay slaves to the democratic party. African Americans who have escaped from the chains that the democratic party has had on them, are successful people. They know that the dems would rather keep them in a welfare line so that they would surely keep their vote. Everyone knows that anyone on welfare, if they vote at all, votes democrat. Its not the whites holding them down, its their own party. Democrats will give you bread crumbs while republicans will teach you to make bread so that you can have the whole loaf. Some will not say that they are republican because they are afraid to be called Uncle Tom’s by their peers but they secretly pull the rep lever. Voting for Obama because he is black is like voting against McCain because he is white. Both are racist! Vote for the ideas, not the party or color.

  20. People need to remember that Martin Luther King was a card carrying member of the G.O.P when he met his untimely end.

  21. What is the problem here? Martin Luther King was a Republican! It was a Republican President Lincoln who insisted on freeing the slaves! President Obama has not done one single thing that would save money, jobs, or integrity of the USA. When the Republicans cut taxes, they cut taxes for everyone whether you make $12,000 per year or 5 million per year. Ask any small business owner how much their taxes are! The Democrats want YOU to be out of a job! They want you to rely on the Government to live! The Healthcare system is broken it needs to be fixed but, since when has the Government ever run a business! I think we need term limits on ALL ELECTED OFFICES! These life candidates elected to the congress and senate have got to go!

  22. I am sorry for the incomplete sentences. I am watching my sick nephew. I meant to say , it will pull us all down instead of raising all of us up. Please check out the web sight before you make a rash judgment . See the sign has people talking! Please keep an open mind, check out the facts, do not listen to media, do not just listen to campaign points, do your research, ask questions, relearn our constitution and what it really means to all of us, the right to live life without the government taking over our lives, telling us what to do, think ,how to parent, what to eat, and even what we can breath. Also I want to give you something to think about. Cap and Trade is a deceptive name. It really is about the buying and selling of air. It will cost us jobs, our gas with triple or go even higher, our utilities will skyrocket, natural gas, electricity,and water. We will be taxed on how much carbon we admit into the air, they will put sensors into our homes and if you ever had a dream of owning a house, forget it, right now our housing is reasonable but through this plan before you an sell a house it has to pass what the government thinks is energy efficient. That means houses will be pushed to the prices of homes in California, and New York. More jobs will be lost. As far a green jobs go, in Spain , they lost four to five jobs for every green job they created. The government was going broke , so they had to reverse their policies. England is reversing their health care system. They have no more money, so you only can get surgery in cases of emergency. Women and Men are dying of cancers that are very treatable here because they cannot see doctors in a timely manner. They are changing their system from being govern in London, they are putting it back into the hospital and doctors hands to run at a local level. They hope this will save their health care system. Anyway trying not to preach but to pass on facts on what is happening in other countries.

  23. No liberal would ever support a view that government should not control people’s private property and private lives? A liberal properly is one who believes in liberty. Leftists believe in state control. They are authoritarians. The term “liberal” in the US is corrupted to mean that one supports confiscation and redistribution of personal property for particular individuals according to the whims of the state. The association of democrats with liberty is a triumph of the democrat rhetoric machine. I admit their deception has been successful.

  24. You should listen to what Apostle Claver has to say regarding the Democrats and their treatment of Blacks in America. It is quite eye opening. RagingElephants.ORG

  25. “I’ve always believed that people should vote for the party or political candidates of their choice.”

    Mary, you seem to have more problem with that than those black Americans who have chosen to vote Republican. If it’s no more than 10% in Texas then so be it. The days of the black vote going Democrat as a foregone conclusion won’t be around forever. Can you abide by their choice – even if it runs counter to YOUR political beliefs?

    • well said Dude. One has to feel for those who need to vote skin color in this day and age.

  26. Vote Democrat and remain a SLAVE of those rich, elitist, white Democrats who bought and enslaved you years ago.

  27. Why don’t you all check out Kevin Jackson on You Tube or his face book page? He is a black conservative. He is very good.

  28. One of these days the Black community will wake up and realize the Democrats ARE their worst enemy. The Democrats of today and the last 40 years aren’t the same party they used to be. Not to mention the Democrats of yesteryear were the real segregationists. Obama isn’t anyone’s friend but his own and the puppet-masters that control him.

    • Mary, it appears that you are of a large group of people who really don’t know the true history of our country. People like you, Mary, were suckered in by the deceptive rhetoric of the Democrat Party. When Dems can’t debate the issues logically, they use the race card and I’ve got to hand it to them….it worked. Millions of black folks fell for it hook, line and sinker. Mary you need to learn REAL history and read REAL stories. Thank God, millions of blacks have realized how the Democrat Party has used them for years to promote their political agenda. Instead of blogging, maybe you should spend your time on….a great source for REAL history and a great place to learn about our black founding fathers who you probably never learned about in school. Why? Because liberal progressives didn’t want you to know that we had black founders and pastors who helped pave the way for this great nation. It’s all been part of their grand plan and until people like you wise up, you will never know true freedom. You should also watch the Friday shows of Glen Beck’s “Founders Fridays”. Go to…archives….and watch every friday show. You will be amazed, proud, and most probably very angry. I know I was.

  29. Before I go and bash folks for their beliefs I first must say people need to do their homework. Do not just vote one party study the candidates. I have views from both parties, I just do not like my money going to lazy folks who are irresponsible and make poor life decisions. I think everyone one has a right to their opinion even if it is ignorant. Just saying!

  30. You know the raging elephants was founded by a black man, right?

    Also, one of their themes is democrats want to hold you down by giving you hand outs. They don’t want you to think for yourself. They want people to stay puppets. The republican party wants you to work hard, contribute and prosper. They want to teach you HOW to fish and not give you a fish.

    Finally, if you voted for Barack only because he is half black, that is as racist if you did not vote for him because he is black. I did not vote for him because I thought he would be a terrible president, and he has proved me right. The country is falling apart… unemployment rates are astronomical. That’s what I base my verdict on.

  31. “I’ve always believed that people should vote for the party or political candidates of their choice.”

    I do too but that is NOT what happened in 2008. Blacks voted for Obama because he was Black…period. They couldn’t have voted for him based on his record, because he didn’t have one! People were angry about Bush. Well, looks like America has gone from the frying pan into the fire. There are NOW plenty of Blacks who DO KNOW Obama’s record and they don’t like it and this includes Black Democrats.

    The Democrat and the RINO’s have dirty hands and in fact, both political parties have been putting the screws to the people for over 100 yrs. One party is just more open about it and right now, that is the Democrats. But it isn’t just about Obama and Obamacare, or abt suing an American state in an International court for trying to protect it’s borders and citizens (something the Feds aren’t doing), nor is it about siding with the enemy against the Constitution, such as with Islam….it is NOW about trying to hold onto America and some symbolence of the free nation we inherited from our ancestors.

    Obama has proven to be Public Enemy #1 against our Constitution. God save America.

  32. So, if your black you should vote Democrat? She didn’t say it but her tone sure did. Kinda sad to see racial profiling from within when the party that supported racial equality long ago is trying to reach out to you specifically again. Maybe it is still just a race game and today’s white suckers that tried to move on just don’t get that they are still being played.

  33. “Taking back our country” is taken out of context because the President is black; it is not “taking back our country” from a black President, it is taking it back from an out-of-control government.

    It’s okay to like President Obama but it appears to be unacceptable to be against his policies. Is that what we want in a country that freely elected a black man President? Or do we want a country where you can like or dislike the POLICIES of the President regardless of his race or gender? If we can’t dislike him because he is too liberal, have we really advanced the ball in racial relations?

    The $3 trillion dollar deficit is a problem. Creating class warfare (making people think we can get it by taxing the rich at higher rates, etc.) will not solve the problem. They’ll pay more, the government will spend more, and the cycle will continue.

    Like it or not, there are folks of all colors on BOTH sides. Why make a big deal out of someone asking blacks to join the GOP?

  34. Maybe some blacks are actually learning to think for themselves and not blindly following others.

  35. “I, for one, am a black man who isn’t supporting Obama any more and will vote for some GOP candidates for the first time in my life (inclunding for the republican candidate Baker against our black governor Deval Patrick).

    Being a socially liberal/fiscally conservative type of guy, I believe Obama and the democrats have gone too far to the left in their policies and have been ineffective of it.”
    this is ludicrous. obama is not close to leftist, he is moderate left on a good day and slightly right in an edward brooke way most of the time.

    “While this billboard may be stupid it’s equally troubling that 91% of the black population votes for Obama when he has absolutely no intention of improving anyone’s condition. He’s a muslim first, a radical-leftist second, and the illegitmate child of a rebellious 60′s hippie third.”

    these are libelous statements.
    one is can’t be a muslim, you right wingers complain about his membership in reverend wright’s church too much.
    two he is so far from a radical leftist that you can put the grand canyon between him and the “radical left”.
    third he is not illegitamate. his parents were married at teh time of his conception and birth.
    how in the world do you think that black voters will see these as rational arguements? maybe the black population of america has had enough of appelate court nominees who are hostile to civil rights (pickering), mocked black people as reagan’s solicitor gerneral and tried to get the reagan administration to file a friend of the court brief supporting the non extension of the voting rights act (roberts), or a judge who wrote a paper in college stating that slavery was ended illegally (alito). maybe were did not like an administration which lied toget the country into a war, prosecuted a war funded on massive loans from our economic competitor china, and asked for tax cut while they wanted to wage a war (a first in history).

    “The only thing he wants with America is it’s destruction and the party he supports wants nothing more than to keep the common man begging the goverment for meager handouts.”
    again obama’s politics are a disapointment to us on the “radical left”. the democratic party has done much more fighting on the side of the minority member or worker than anything that the right can show.

    “Only educated blacks will consider voting GOP.”

    i am black, have multiple degrees and wouldn’t vote for a republican with a gun to my head

    “The rest of them will keep their heads in the sand and stay slaves to the democratic party.”
    this is the way to sway the black electorate??!! you think that you can insult black people into voting republican?

    “African Americans who have escaped from the chains that the democratic party has had on them, are successful people. They know that the dems would rather keep them in a welfare line so that they would surely keep their vote.”

    so now it is not employment, residential, law enforcement, discrimination, or not giving loans to small businesses started by black people, withholding farm loans, disparate social, law enforcement, educational and other services provided in inner cities. it is the democratic party. delusional thinking.

    Everyone knows that anyone on welfare, if they vote at all, votes democrat. Its not the whites holding them down, its their own party. Democrats will give you bread crumbs while republicans will teach you to make bread so that you can have the whole loaf. Some will not say that they are republican because they are afraid to be called Uncle Tom’s by their peers but they secretly pull the rep lever. Voting for Obama because he is black is like voting against McCain because he is white. Both are racist! Vote for the ideas, not the party or color.

    three different rants in one paragraph.
    if a person is poor they had better vote democratic. name one republican initiative that has aided the minority (black ) community)?

    if you say that white people are not holding black people down you are unaware of history and need a junior college remedial history class. you don’t have to personally (though a lot of you do, how many of you are council of concerned citizen members?) because the structures are in place that insure white supremacy.

    what are the so called crumbs the democrats have extended? affirmative action? helped condoleeza rice and clarence thomas achieve their goals.
    the assertion that most black people voted for obama just because of his color after eight years of bush is rediculous. two when nixon went after the vote of the “slient majority” he managed to register millions of new white voters. those voters motivations were not questioned, why should black voters be subjected to your’s?
    we did vote ideas. mccain stated that he intended to continue the bush program unchanged. why should we vote for those failed policies?

    “I want to give you something to think about. Cap and Trade is a deceptive name. It really is about the buying and selling of air. It will cost us jobs, our gas with triple or go even higher, our utilities will skyrocket, natural gas, electricity,and water. We will be taxed on how much carbon we admit into the air, they will put sensors into our homes and if you ever had a dream of owning a house, forget it,”

    cap and trade does not have anything to do with the amount of gases released from your house. it is a policy that coporations who emit gases can barter their emissions for credits

    “England is reversing their health care system. They have no more money, so you only can get surgery in cases of emergency. Women and Men are dying of cancers that are very treatable here because they cannot see doctors in a timely manner. They are changing their system from being govern in London, they are putting it back into the hospital and doctors hands to run at a local level. They hope this will save their health care system.”

    the problem is that we do have death panels. they are anonymous beaurocrats accountable to no one who were killing people by denying them medical because the services were “experimental”, or not cost effective. i have at least one friend who is dead now of breast cancer because the insurance dithered and let too much time pass. all this while the healthcare ceo’s are making record bonuses.

    the rest is not even worthy of reply.

  36. Apparently you do not really know what the Tea Party movement is all about. It is not a black/white thing in the least. It is a freedom/slavery issue. Every time the Federal government makes more laws to govern our every breath, they are taking away our personal freedom and responsibility for our own lives. This, in essence, puts each American into slavery to the government. I personally do not want to live my life having to ask the DC elite what I can drive, eat, wear, or live. This is what people in the Tea Party are all about.

    • “Apparently you do not really know what the Tea Party movement is all about. It is not a black/white thing in the least.”

      but given the cumulative effects of tea party policies, which will take america back to a time reminiscent to the early twentieth century it is a black issue.

      “It is a freedom/slavery issue. Every time the Federal government makes more laws to govern our every breath, they are taking away our personal freedom and responsibility for our own lives. This, in essence, puts each American into slavery to the government. I personally do not want to live my life having to ask the DC elite what I can drive, eat, wear, or live. This is what people in the Tea Party are all about.”

      this is a line from a person who has no knowledge of the massive amount of litigation which the legislation is derived from. just go to a law library. read the cases which made the laws necessary. massive government is a response to massive new legislative responsibilities brought about by progress and a need to set boundaries to the many way which individuals and businesses have tried to circumvent their ethical responsibilites. no, the market can’t regulate itself. it has been proven to be too supceptable to manipulation, and too populated by unscrupulous individuals. only simple minded individuals ignor or refuse to investigate the reasons there is legislation and regulation and the resultant growth ingovernment. also the same can be said for people who cannot evaluate the cumulative effects of the platforms proposed by the people representing themselves as tea party members.

  37. i am so happy that a billboard can still,cause us to pause and think.

  38. Anyone who equates the “Tea Party” with race clearly has no comprehension of what they are about. Perhaps this is the “secret weapon” against the career politicians/puppets. The name associated with these folks is deceptive in its simplicity and that is WHY the brain-dead can’t “get it”.

    The Tea Party is NOT a party…not a POLITICAL party. It is a group of people from all walks of life, all backgrounds, all religions, all races, in other words, they are just Americans who have found a common ground strong enough to over come any differences they may have. That common ground is their love for America and the supreme law, which contrary to popular belief is NOT the SCOTUS, but the United States Constitution and all that it encompasses. SCOTUS is simply to “judge” a particular case against the Constitutional questions and decide whether or not the Constitution supports the question at hand. Instead they have elevated themselves to the level of “making law”. The most obvious is their flat refusal to accept the question of Obama’s citizenship. There have been MANY (200+) cases filed. Never before in the history of the US has this happened. If it had been anyone else other than the Obamamesiah, this issue would have been dwelt with swiftly and all over the news.

    The news media’s silence and their choice of stories to cover and not cover is evidence of a blatant bias and screams that they are in the hip pocket of the “Wizard of O”.

    If America can survive this administration, it will be in spite of the Obama-zombies, and due to the hard work of REAL patriotic Americans who stood for the Constitution and not for a man.

    (and No..I am not a Republican or a Bush supporter. SURPRISE!)

    • “The Tea Party is NOT a party…not a POLITICAL party. It is a group of people from all walks of life, all backgrounds, all religions, all races, in other words, they are just Americans who have found a common ground strong enough to over come any differences they may have. That common ground is their love for America and the supreme law, which contrary to popular belief is NOT the SCOTUS, but the United States Constitution and all that it encompasses. SCOTUS is simply to “judge” a particular case against the Constitutional questions and decide whether or not the Constitution supports the question at hand. Instead they have elevated themselves to the level of “making law”. The most obvious is their flat refusal to accept the question of Obama’s citizenship. There have been MANY (200+) cases filed. Never before in the history of the US has this happened. If it had been anyone else other than the Obamamesiah, this issue would have been dwelt with swiftly and all over the news. ”

      it is precisely because of the constitution that the issue of obama’s citizenship is rejected by the supreme court.
      Article IV – The States
      Section 1 – Each State to Honor all others

      Full Faith and Credit shall be given in each State to the public Acts, Records, and judicial Proceedings of every other State. And the Congress may by general Laws prescribe the Manner in which such Acts, Records and Proceedings shall be proved, and the Effect thereof.

      the state of hawaii has stated many times over and over that obama was born there. they now refuse to even discuss the issue anymore.
      the full faith and credit segment of the constitution makes it clear that if a state makes a declaration it has to be taken in good faith. end of subject. there would have to be a constitutional convention to remove that amendment. by the time the votes would be taken and the convention convened obama would have served two terms and his successor would have served at least one.

      “BTW, to those who think Obama is NOT a Muslim, you had better educate yourself as to the Islamic ways and then the evidence of his Islamic world view will not be able to hide beneath all the political correct crap you insist on smearing across your lens”

      this and the rest of the post below is rediculous. it is speculation not supported by anything.

  39. BTW, to those who think Obama is NOT a Muslim, you had better educate yourself as to the Islamic ways and then the evidence of his Islamic world view will not be able to hide beneath all the political correct crap you insist on smearing across your lens.

    I am going to quote my own blog entry:
    The repeating chant of the Muslims worldwide to to kill all infidels, kill anyone not a Muslim.

    “Islam does not differentiate between civilians and military (targets) but rather distinguishes between Muslims and infidels …” — 2005, Al Qaeda’s Zarqawi backs killing civilian ‘infidels’.

    Now given this outlook by the Islamic ……, do you REALLY believe any high ranking, self-respecting Muslim would ever state the desire to have an infidel as a leader or to say their holy prayers? Of course not! They behead infidels, not ask them to give the prayers, yet we are to believe that is exactly what has come to pass.

    “The coming Eid would expectedly be observed on 9/11, this a golden opportunity for President Obama to offer Eid prayers at Ground Zero and become Amir-ul-Momineen or Caliph of Muslims. In this way, all the problems of Muslim World would be solved,” he thought.
    Durrani argued that Muslim World was in “dire need” of a Caliph and the distinguished slot of Caliphate would earn President Obama the exemplary titles of what he termed, “Mullah Barrack Hussain Obama” or “Allama Obama.” — Minister wants Obama to become Ameer-ul-Momineen

    This, more than any thing else, should open the self-imposed blindness of the Obama supporters to see, there is a Muslim in the White House.


    “There are none so blind as those, that will not see” – Proverbs

  40. I am impressed at the GOP, is it the new Black, of course not, but you must respect their gangster!

    They are doing everything in their power to blame President Obama for this country’s bad condition, and it hasn’t event been two years!

    I only pray that the Real Blacks come out to vote on November 2, and earlier for those that live in states with early voting, because if we don’t then who knows, maybe the GOP will be the new Black?

    Black hoods instead of white ones the second time around?

    • You must be talking about the 21st century racists, The New Black Panther Party. Yes, they wear black and show up at voting locations with nightsticks intimidating voters and demanding for whites to be exterminated.

      Obama and his Democrats have been running the U.S. Congress since January 2007 and have jacked this country up big time.

      But WE (the non-sheep) will undo the damage they have done starting January 2011 and 2012.

  41. We’ll learn the truth about the place of birth/birth certificate issue one day in the future and we’ll repair the loophole. But it doesn’t matter now, Obama is da man. However, we can take comfort in knowing that he has exposed himself for who he really is in the last couple of years, which means he will be a one-termer.

  42. . . . There are identical billboards at other locations such as O.S.T./Calhoun by MacGregor Park. Nowhere do I see commentary here that it is the system, not the party or the individual officials or candidates, that needs changing, and that wil take a grassroots-level Constitutional amendment to enact campaign financing reform. A good start towards 21sr-Century updates is at https://P3amendments.US/Amendments.html (go back to the top and click “Amendments” after you have read the long page of solutions offered by Harry Braun).
    . . . The majority “duopoly” parties are not going to vote to bite the hand that feeds them. The majority (not all) of elected representatives are a plutocratic oligarchy funded indirectly through PACs by the lobbyists for big corporations.
    . . . Yes, Obama seems to have tarnished the word “change,” because we are bankrupting the country to serve the military-industrial complex continuing hundreds of unnecessary overseas military bases, and continuing wars against countries, when countries are not the entities of enemies, and the factions recognize no borders. The USA empirically occupies and/or controls the economics of so much of the world, and supports countries that are contrary to its own claimed (but not followed) values.
    . . . The “change” I call for: we are not a democracy, we are a republic; citizens only indirectly act on legislation. We need a system of encrypted “double-blind” but verified voting via the Internet where citizens would continually vote on legislation as it is proposed, year-round … legislators would be elected and serve only to compose the bills for citizens to vote on, and enact winning bills (each proposed bill would have a deadline for voting a few days after its proposal). Election of legislators would be from common-pool funding divided equally among candidates for a position, unless there was an unopposed incumbent, who would need and get no funding. No PACs, lobbyists, corporations, only by individuals; with a cap of, say, $5,000 tax-deductible, but only 50% for all supported candidates and the remainder spread among all other candidates in the races. Commercial media similarly would be required to give a fair minimum amount of space for candidates’ political advertising, paid for from the common pool. This would “level the playing field” for qualified non-millionaires to run for office, as it is absurd for candidates to pay millions of dollars to serve in positions paying a fraction of that. It leads to “kick-backs” to supporting corporations and other corruption.
    . . . As for the current situation, among the very few Blacks who know the ALL FOUR Texas political parties and what they stand for (read their bylaws), the Green Party of Texas has values most would identify with. The first party nationally to select, entirely on merit, two women to head the President/V.P. ticket in 2008 (Cynthia McKinney and Rosa Clemente), who happened also to be Black (not the reason they were chosen in a majority-White party), the Green Party of the US favors taxpayer-saving measures such as Instant Runoff Voting with verified voting methods) and is the only political party that does not accept for-profit corporations’ donations to back its candidates’ campaigns. It is running a very marginally poor campaign with 15 candidates statewide, funded out of their own pockets in many cases.
    . . . It should be known that voters who vote “straight-ticket” for Democrats are helping to elect a Republican in the fiscal-overseer State Comptroller of Public Accounts position, because there is no Democrat in that race. If they knew that, they’d most likely vote for Ed Lindsay, a Green Party candidate. Texas is one of the last states allowing “straight-ticket” voting; it is a lazy voter’s way to “vote,” because they are saying all candidates of a party are the same, disregarding individual qualifications and experience. I am unashamed to say I spent over six hours studying the 86 races and statements of some 200 candidates on my Harris County ballot, I’ll take my LWV Voters’ Guide checkoffs into my cubicle (after checking to see if the election judge posted any write-in candidates’ listed names inside the cubicle as required by law, I’ve seen in the past election the list unfairly and illegally left in a stack on a corner table far from the voting cubicles) so I can quick-enough make my selections of candidates (I have picked the best of ALL FOUR PARTIES, so I’m not partisanly voting straight-anything except fairly).
    . . . ‘Nuff said!

  43. well how is that support for the democrats working out, every year they tell you how they will improve education, increase jobs, decrease poverty and in general improve your life… for the last 40 or 50 years you have voted the same way and gotten the same results

    • “well how is that support for the democrats working out, every year they tell you how they will improve education, increase jobs, decrease poverty and in general improve your life… for the last 40 or 50 years you have voted the same way and gotten the same results”

      headstart helped many children get a boost in preparation for academic success.

      the pell grants helped many black people myself included gain the opportunity to attend and graduate form college.

      the voting rights act got us back into the political arena

      the civil rights act got us acess to the human rights that are supposed to be ours via the constitution
      we finally had laws that barred:
      discrimination in public accomodations (that little thing that rand paul wants to overturn)

      authorizaton for the justice department to bring suit against states that discriminated against women and minorities.

      and laws that provided for equal opportunity in the workplace.

      increased money spent in neighborhood schools above anything that we recieved during prior republican administrations helped many of us get a better (not on par with the best of the suburban schools, but enought to gain a clawhold on opportunity) education

      upward bound gave many of us who had no experience on college campus the knowledge that we could compete with the students there.

      the many ceta (center for employment training) programs gave many vocational training that made many have a middle class lifestyle.

      money spent for after school programs helped many who would have fallen behind skills to compete.

      the summer jobs programs gave many people entrance level skills and put legal money in many inner city youths pockets.
      History of the Federal TRIO Programs

      The history of TRIO is progressive. It began with Upward Bound, which emerged out of the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964 in response to the administration’s War on Poverty. In 1965, Talent Search, the second outreach program, was created as part of the Higher Education Act. In 1968, Student Support Services, which was originally known as Special Services for Disadvantaged Students, was authorized by the Higher Education Amendments and became the third in a series of educational opportunity programs. By the late 1960’s, the term “TRIO” was coined to describe these federal programs.

      Over the years, the TRIO Programs have been expanded and improved to provide a wider range of services and to reach more students who need assistance. The Higher Education Amendments of 1972 added the fourth program to the TRIO group by authorizing the Educational Opportunity Centers. The 1976 Education Amendments authorized the Training Program for Federal TRIO Programs, initially known as the Training Program for Special Programs Staff and Leadership Personnel. Amendments in 1986 added the sixth program, the Ronald E. McNair Postbaccalaureate Achievement Program. Additionally, in 1990, the Department created the Upward Bound Math/Science program to address the need for specific instruction in the fields of math and science. The Upward Bound Math/Science program is administered under the same regulations as the regular Upward Bound program, but it must be applied for separately. Finally, the Omnibus Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2001 amended the Student Support Services (SSS) program to permit the use of program funds for direct financial assistance (Grant Aid) for current SSS participants who are receiving Federal Pell Grants.

      this is not all, and this is much better than anything that the nixon (with the notible exception of affirmative action, yes nixon is the father of affirmative action), ford, reagan ( a notibly anti black president), bush I or bush II offered african americans.

  44. Wow Mary, you certainly showed your bigoted colors in this article. Is it any wonder that the MSM is losing viewers daily? It’s “reports” like this with no investigational work that are the cause of it. Not only is the T.E.A. Party NOT an “angry” group but the billboard was put up by a group of African American GOPers! Shame on you, Mary for assisting with the racial divide in this nation!

  45. If you’re actually interested in what conservatives believe and want for this country, take a look at Rush’s speech last year, he’s pretty clear, and many of you will agree with him regardless of party.

  46. I think the slogan means that being a republican today can get you slandered, ostracised, victimised by bias and prejudice, fired from some jobs, etc.

    It’s a bit of a reach and will offend some, but its gutsy.. Gotta get attention somehow i guess…

  47. As a Black woman, I could never vote for any republican candidate. And I will never understand how anyone who is Black could vote republican; a party that is appealing to the likes of the klan, white supremacists and those who are intolerant of others unlike themselves.

  48. Robin, the Klan has always been part of the Democratic party. Robert Byrd was one of them. The Klan was always the enemy of the Republican’s and They wanted to abolish them. The Republican’s were the party that freed the slaves. Lincoln was a Republican.
    Today, its the Republicans who want to free all people from too much gov’t and the Dem’s want to make us all slaves to the gov’t. This gov’t is getting so big that our taxes have to go up to pay for all of this. If you have a job, you are being over taxed for wasteful spending. Bush spent like a crackhead so we as Americans have to stop all this crazy spending. We owe our tails to China!
    Please check out what this guy Claver has to say on his videos. I was quite impressed. Fair taxing sounds good to me!

  49. . . . Comment nr. 57, my previous one, got no response; Miriam is typical of several others, all who seem to defend one party or the other as if they had never changed, when in fact they have become opposites of their previous philosophies several times back and forth over the decades.
    . . . Currently, however, they’re both under the control of Big Business, further aided by the recent Supreme Court ruling that allowed “corporate personhood” so elections are even more subject to candidate bribery in the form of campaign donations through PACs.
    . . . Radio has largely been taken over by conservatives who claim everyone who doesn’t think their way is un-American, and “liberal,” “socialist,” or “worse” — they claim to be “news radio” when in fact they are “opinion radio.” And that only they are “fair and balanced” when in truth they exude “fear and bias” — and their arrogant talk-show hosts, when accused of labeling and outright slander, hide behind the shield of claiming it’s “entertainment” (not factual) or plead the first-amendment.
    . . . TV media will continue to ignore third parties as they maintain the “simplicity” of a two-party duopoly, marking up the U.S. map as “red” and “blue” states, when it’s such a mix of corporate-control we should say they’re all “purple” states. Black and Brown people should read about the decade-long trail of vote theft and manipulation made possible under electronic voting machines — study the archives of stories at and see how the “duopoly party” tries to dupe us with unverifiable voting.
    . . . Then explore to see how different the approach is with the Green Party, the first national party (in 2008) to have two Black women at the top of the ticket, Cynthia McKinney and Rosa Clemente. A party favoring separation of candidates and corporate money, instant runoff voting such as Proportional Voting (which eliminates the concept of “spoiler” candidates, see to learn more), human and ecological values, and much more to move us from a “grow-or-else” fascist republic to a citizens’ “sustainable” democracy.
    . . . And finally, as the new year dawns, Republicans and Democrats are already scheming how they will gerrymander new congressional districts and other jurisdictions to “divide and conquer” their opponents in the Constitutionally mandated REDISTRICTING! Get ready for a battle that will make the autumn elections look like play!
    . . . Vote Green Party where possible, if you don’t want more of the same in state and national congress!

  50. Your info in this post is very interesting! I will study this much further. I don’t like much of what the Republicans stand for and the same goes for the Democratic Party. I believe that both of these parties have too much wasteful spending which end up on the backs of our people. The reason that I made my last post is because I just hate for people to vote for or against one party. It should be the person’s ideas that we vote for or against, not the party. I will look into the Green Party candidates and their ideas for our country. I have to admit that I have never studied what the people of this party are about. We are American people and need to vote for American’s, not parties. Purple states sounds good! Our system seem to be so broken. Time for a real change.

  51. Dr Martin Luther King advocated for the radical redistribution of economic power (wealth). Back in his time, being a Republican was RADICALLY different than it is today. Dr King would be all over Glenn Beck’s chalkboard for being a communist sympathizer. There is absolutely not one thing the Tea Party is upset over that is actually fact. Taxes have been lowered for 95% of the tax payers under Obama. Hate crimes legislation has been passed among hundreds of other achievements. This congress has been the most productive congress in recent memory. Democrats do not want to ‘enslave’ anyone. The goal for liberals in general has been the goal for past Republicans as well – strong nation – jobs IN AMERICA – reiging in on illegal and irresponsible actions of Business, Government, and Wall Street. FREE MARKETS are the goal – but not without some sort of way of preventing another meltdown like George W Bush brought on with his “Ownership Society” – he is the one who pushed people to buy homes. Homes that were subprime and concealed by businesses such as Moody’s. Then Freddie and Fannie were left holding the bag. As usual, the Republicans Blame the poor by accusing Freddie and Fannie of lending out to those who they shouldn’t have when in fact it was the Banks who created this mess. The tax cuts for the wealthiest have never been lower – and is killing our nation. Social Security and other programs are there to ensure the poor, elderly, and disabled are not left dying on the street. If any of YOU COMMENTERS had ever read history, other than that sold on Beck University, you would know that the TEA PARTY is FAKE – it is the product of KOCH INDUSTRIES. The same brothers whose father worked for Nazis, Communists, and now Arab Terrorists in Saudi Arabia. Those who are member of the Tea Party who think it is all about spending I have a question – why didn’t you stand up when Bush was rampaging through the deficit on an illegal war and ignoring a real war only to have to push the nation to the brink of collapse? Oh you say you don’t really like republicans either? Lies. At the very ‘soul’ of the Tea Party is the same thing at the ‘soul’ of the GOP – NOTHING BUT GREED AND TOTALITARIANSIM. To my African American friends – you know what the Tea Party is all about. The American Liberty League tried to do the same thing to FDR as the Tea Party is trying to do to Obama. If you ask most progressives, Obama is a secret Republican shill for corporations, so when people say Obama’s agenda is a radical left-wing agenda, I laugh because I know they are complete idiots.

  52. African Americans have fewer opportunities and are being left behind in this global economy precisely because they tend to vote for color rather than for the person. Obama, especially because he is black, knows better than to hamstring the black population with failed socialist policies that make them reliant on government handouts.

    Politics is a nasty sport anyway you look at it and it’s true that most politicians are not the “Best of the Best” that our community has to offer – the Best are in the private sector creating jobs.

    So what if a solo group wants to advertise to black voters – this has nothing to do with politics, it’s Marketing 101. Nothing for liberals to get alarmed about and certainly not pandering.

    • The problem is that the Democrat Party BELIEVE they own black people and therefore own the black vote.

      This is why Ms. Mary was so shocked and almost wrecked her vehicle. She automatically ASSumed that it was one of those rich, evil, white Republican men who put this billboard up.

      I bet she was more shocked when she found it was someone from her own race. I mean, how dare these “Uncle Toms” and “sellouts” have conservative values that are espoused in the Holy Bible.

      I am an Independent and nobody owns me or my vote. The race/class warfare tactic that Democrats use is nearing its shelf life usage as the American People use the Internet and educate themselves with the truth about these nasty race-baiting politicians in DC.


  53. “African Americans have fewer opportunities and are being left behind in this global economy precisely because they tend to vote for color rather than for the person. Obama, especially because he is black, knows better than to hamstring the black population with failed socialist policies that make them reliant on government handouts.”

    this is a bigoted, ludicrious statement. black people have voted for many caucasians, hispanics, and asian candidates provided that we felt that the candidate had our interests in mind. remember that the presidential race was but one race. there were numerous senate, congressional, and local races that were being contested during the last elections. the candidates that black people thought had their interests in mind got their votes no matter what race they were.

    “The problem is that the Democrat Party BELIEVE they own black people and therefore own the black vote”

    no, the thing is that even though the democratic party has disappointed black people at times the republican party has not proposed or intiated any programs that benefited black people. quite the opposite the republcain party has initiated many programs that had a detrimental effect to black people. the democratic party has not advocated:
    benign neglect
    southern strategy
    willie horton as campaign strategy
    nominated anti civil rights appelate court appointees
    sheltered every racist group in america ie:
    the council of concerned citizens
    christian identity
    never stood at strom thurman’s birthday and gave a speech like trent lott’s proclaiming that “if the voters had voted for you the problems we have now woulnd not exist”.
    sent out the many hateful emails (obama bucks)
    had political rallies reminicent of klan rallies (sarah palin election rallies).
    with all the negatives that anyone with a half a brain and a computer can google up why would black people vote republican?
    and as far as the klan check out the history of the states of indiana (the klan owned all the elected officials and they were republicans in the 1920’s). and ohio also
    check out history channels “history of the klan”. they showed graphically the control the klan had on the gop during the post civil war era.

  54. “sheltered every racist group in america ie:”

    Democrat Barack Obama and his Justice Department are doing a FINE job sheltering the racist group, the New Black Panther Party. He’s right on board with condoning the evilness of racism!

    “sent out the many hateful emails (obama bucks)”

    Democrat Nina Totenberg stating on federally funded television that if we could exterminate about 4 million Christians the world would be a better place.

    Klan Leader Democrat Robert Byrd serving his entire adulthood in the U.S. Congress. Pitiful. His Democrat Klan supporters kept voting this hood-wearing, old man in. Ya loved him! That’s sick.

    I can do a tit for tat and you won’t win because you are biased. You are stuck on Party and are unable to step back and see that there are people in BOTH parties who are corrupt and sickos.

    Let’s not forget Barack Obama’s Goldman Sachs —> U.S. treasury Department. Uh huh, now who is REALLY up in those corporate pockets?

    LONG LIVE CONSERVATISM! <—Taking back 'da House!

    P.S. I don't have to ride in the back … thank you Rosa Parks!

  55. ““sheltered every racist group in america ie:”

    Democrat Barack Obama and his Justice Department are doing a FINE job sheltering the racist group, the New Black Panther Party. He’s right on board with condoning the evilness of racism!

    the charges against the “new black panthers” was dropped by the bush department of justice before obama became president.
    UPDATED: Manufactured scandal: Right wing’s phony allegations against the Justice Department
    J. Christian Adams’ accusations that President Obama’s Justice Department engaged in racially charged “corruption” in the New Black Panther Party case do not stand up to the evidence. Adams is a right-wing activist tied to the Bush-era politicization of the Justice Department who has admitted he lacks first-hand knowledge of the events he is discussing, and his claims fall apart given the fact that the Obama DOJ obtained judgment against one defendant, while the Bush DOJ declined to pursue similar allegations in 2006
    •The Bush administration’s Justice Department — not the Obama administration — made the decision not to pursue criminal charges against members of the New Black Panther Party for alleged voter intimidation at a polling center in Philadelphia in 2008;
    •The Obama administration successfully obtained default judgment against Samir Shabazz, a member of the New Black Panther Party carrying a nightstick outside the Philadelphia polling center on Election Day 2008;
    •The Bush administration DOJ chose not to pursue similar charges against members of the Minutemen, one of whom allegedly carried a weapon while harassing Hispanic voters in Arizona in 2006;
    •No voters have come forward to claim that they were intimidated from voting on account of the New Black Panthers standing outside the polling center in 2008;
    •The Republican vice chairwoman of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, which is currently investigating the Justice Department’s decision, reportedly said that the other conservatives on the Civil Rights Commission were trying to use New Black Panther case “to topple” the Obama administration. Thernston has also called the case “very small potatoes” and criticized the “overheated rhetoric filled with insinuations and unsubstantiated charges” surrounding it, and said that rhetoric has not “served the interests of the commission”; she further said that DOJ has given a “plausible argument” for not pursuing additional charges in the case;

    “sent out the many hateful emails (obama bucks)”

    “Democrat Nina Totenberg stating on federally funded television that if we could exterminate about 4 million Christians the world would be a better place.”
    sorry, wrong person
    What about this one by Andrei Codrescu? In December 1995, Codrescu said of the evangelical belief of the Rapture, in which Christ’s faithful would miraculously ascend from the earth before the Second Coming: “The evaporation of 4 million who believe this crap would leave the world an instantly better place.”

    Klan Leader Democrat Robert Byrd serving his entire adulthood in the U.S. Congress. Pitiful. His Democrat Klan supporters kept voting this hood-wearing, old man in. Ya loved him! That’s sick.

    you want it both ways if we did not forgive him (he did repent, and if you are a christian like many of you conservatives profess to be you are supposed to be about repentence and forgiveness) you’d be harping about that. we also forgave george wallace. but back to robert byrd. not only did he repent, he became one of the most effective legislators for human rights in the senate getting the highest ratings from the naacp.

    I can do a tit for tat and you won’t win because you are biased. You are stuck on Party and are unable to step back and see that there are people in BOTH parties who are corrupt and sickos.
    the fact that you see equivalence in your posts and mine says a lot about your powers of analysis and your vision of moral equivalency. the fact that you would post “long live conservatism” afterwards negates that little attempt to place yourself in a position of critisism of both partys

    Let’s not forget Barack Obama’s Goldman Sachs —> U.S. treasury Department. Uh huh, now who is REALLY up in those corporate pockets?

    let’s not forget that the stimulus was proposed, crafted and administered by george w. bush before obama’s administration. the budget of obama’s first year as president was bush’s last budget. obama did not get to propose a budget until the next year

    “LONG LIVE CONSERVATISM! <—Taking back 'da House!"

    for what reason? your conservative icons have not proposed ONE idea to turn this country around. they have just opposed anything obama has proposed

    "P.S. I don't have to ride in the back … thank you Rosa Parks!"

    please take a history class. rosa parks, god bless her soul, was not the reason the buses were desegregated. the buses were desegregated because of the montgomery bus boycott, and jo ann robinson. this is one of the reasons that "black history month has to stop being a misguided version of the myth of the "celebration of
    the rugged individualist".
    rosa was not the only person to refuse to move, and she was just one of a number of people who protested the local social order. there were many who worked for over a year for black people to recieve basic human justice.
    the montgomery bus boycott lasted over a year until the authority's resistance collasped. black people recieved death threats, had to organize a ride sharing system and endure the emnity of the local business community and white supremacists

  56. Good sheep… toe the Democrat line…

    There are conservative Democrats and I support them. As a matter of fact, I am voting for the Democrat who wants to be my governor. If you could see my ballot for the people I’m voting for, you will see Republicans, Democrats, and Libertarians. So you accusing me of being a Republican is pure desperation on your part.

    The reality is there are racists found in all races and conservative black people are waking up to the true agenda of liberals. I love them and will stand right beside them in our fight to keep government to a minimum! Just like me, they want to be FREE. They have no need for generational handouts and being controlled and becoming dependent on the Democrat Nip generation after generation.

    Like Rosa, I will continue to sit proudly at the front of the bus or wherever I CHOOSE to sit my a$$! Peace out and


    P.S. It feels good not to be owned by a party. Try it sometime.

  57. “Good sheep… toe the Democrat line…

    is that the level of your analysis of my posts? well alright, a philosophical minikin

    “There are conservative Democrats and I support them. As a matter of fact, I am voting for the Democrat who wants to be my governor. If you could see my ballot for the people I’m voting for, you will see Republicans, Democrats, and Libertarians. So you accusing me of being a Republican is pure desperation on your part.”

    in none of my posts have i tried to affiliate you with a political party, but you are self described as a conservative

    “The reality is there are racists found in all races and conservative black people are waking up to the true agenda of liberals.”

    confused sentence. and when did these black racists do anything to impinge on your or any other american’s rights?

    “I love them and will stand right beside them in our fight to keep government to a minimum!”

    small government has a terrible history. small government allows local elites to controll entire areas. you need to read a hsitory book. small government allowed mine workers to be abused. small government allows the klan to controll states (indiana, ohio). small government allowed the mormons to commit a massacre. small government allowed slavery to happen. small government allowed large ranchers to dominate areas in the midwest and west and elect politicians amenable to them.

    “Just like me, they want to be FREE. They have no need for generational handouts and being controlled and becoming dependent on the Democrat Nip generation after generation.”

    freedom is not something that small government has given america. small government is government that cannot respond to the realities of modern america. it will not protect the rights of amerians and will only make it easier for the unjust and unscrupulous to dominate america. at the start of world war one the supplies were of such poor quality that 80-90% of them had to be rejected. small government will be unable to protect the food supplies of americans, (read sinclair lewis accounts of amour star meat packing company). it will not be able to protect up fom unscrupulous people in the stock market or corporate swindlers like the boys at enron

    “Like Rosa, I will continue to sit proudly at the front of the bus or wherever I CHOOSE to sit my a$$! Peace out and


    even though it was us black liberals who secured that right (black conservatives were MIA during the civil rights movement).

    your quite welcome

    “P.S. It feels good not to be owned by a party. Try it sometime”

    now who is the one making unfounded charges of politcal afiliation even though you protested the idea of me doing that to you. the featherbrained hypocrisy of your post is amusing. you post about the “democrat nip”, but what beside utter disdain has the gop offered black people. even lee atwater on his death bed, and michael steele have admitted as much

    you an ride anywhere on the bus you want, i’ll keep riding my bmw. i don’t want to ride on a bus, i am focused on economic parity, the new civil rights battle

  58. So… Bill Clinton (who’s a white Democrat) tries to push out Kendrick Meek (who’s a black Democrat) so that Charlie Crist (who is white and recently switched from Republican status to Independent status) can defeat Marco Rubio (who’s a hispanic Republican). If this happened in the Republican Party, the main street media and the Democrat Party would be all over it screaming RACISTS!! It’s good to see Republicans PROUDLY supporting all black and hispanic candidates while pumping millions of campaign dollars their way. Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson’s eyebrows are twitching over this one.

  59. I just found this wonderful eye-opening video about blacks founding the Republican Party, and Democrats founding the KKK. Progressives have changed history to control people. Please watch and share this video with all your friends and follow the link for the full documentary. If I were black….I WOULD BE OUTRAGED!

    • Thank you Debbie for sharing this. The TRUTH shall set us ALL Free!

  60. “So… Bill Clinton (who’s a white Democrat) tries to push out Kendrick Meek (who’s a black Democrat) so that Charlie Crist (who is white and recently switched from Republican status to Independent status) can defeat Marco Rubio (who’s a hispanic Republican). If this happened in the Republican Party, the main street media and the Democrat Party would be all over it screaming RACISTS!! It’s good to see Republicans PROUDLY supporting all black and hispanic candidates while pumping millions of campaign dollars their way. Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson’s eyebrows are twitching over this one”
    Black Repub Candidates Complain of Lack of Support from GOP

    Three long-shot African-American Republican House candidates are fuming at national party leaders for not doing enough to help get them elected.
    Campaign managers for Chuck Smith in Virginia, Charlotte Bergmann in Tennessee and Marvin Scott in Indiana all said the support they’ve received from GOP leaders this cycle has been dismal. They added that there could be consequences for the party if they are elected to Congress next year.
    Smith’s campaign manager, Lisa Creeden, said she wishes her boss could count on the party’s help; no Republican has held Virginia’s 3rd district in 18 years.
    “I think the Republican Party is going to damage themselves with the African-American community,” Creeden said. “I understand part of it is they are focused on races they can win easily, but our point is we couldn’t necessarily win this easily, but we can still win it. The effort to reach out to the African-American community will pay out in future elections.
    “If they drop the ball now, they will have to start all over again,” she added.
    Smith is running against nine-term Rep. Robert C. Scott (D). Scott won the 2008 election with 97 percent of the vote.
    Still, Creeden said she believes that this year is different for a Republican.
    “We’re looking at pastors who have stepped away from the Democratic Party machine to say we can’t support this man anymore and we want the Republican,” Creeden said.
    She added that the GOP has created challenges for Smith, including pulling the campaign’s access to a voter vault earlier this year.
    what did you say?

  61. Alan Keyes for President!

  62. alan keyes needs to be committed

  63. No, Alan Keyes is just fine. We certainly need more of him and less of the Pelosis and Reids types.

  64. an alan keyes has as much chance of being elected president as satan. he couldn’t even get elected to a political office in any black majority district in the united states.
    his last bit of insanity, the lawsuit against obama proves that he has no credibility

  65. The PEOPLE have spoken! We don’t need or want the Demorat Nipple to suckle on.

    We’ve only just begun….LONG LIVE CONSERVATISM!!!

  66. Wow…. racist Republicans are for slavery and formed Jim Crow laws and the KKK, no wait, that was the Democrats. Freedom rings loud in the land of opportunity!

    “The racist tea partiers elected two black representatives, a Cuban-American governor and an Indian-American female as governor.”


  67. “Wow…. racist Republicans are for slavery and formed Jim Crow laws and the KKK, no wait, that was the Democrats. Freedom rings loud in the land of opportunity!”

    you obviously never studied the history of the colarado or indiana elections of 1924

    you just as obviously wish to willfully ignore the fact that in the 1964 democratic convention the “dixiecrat democrats”, the conservative southern faction of the democratic party came to the democratic convention to state that they were throwing their support to barry goldwater, the anti civil rights conservative republican senator from arizona

    you obviously want to ignore the “southern strategy” which nixon employed to lure the southern democrats after they wanted to leave the democratic party because of it’s activism in the civil right arena

    and all the history i have posted.

    you just as obviously try to divorce your selves from the kkk when they are your spiritual brothers. the kkk is a CONSERVATIVE ORGANIZATION WHICH SELF DESCRIBES IT’S ORGANIZATION AS A CONSERVATIVE “WHITE RIGHTS” ORGANIZATION WHICH HAS MANY AIMS IDENTICAL TO YOURS. you can’t in good faith denounce the organization truthfully.

    it is the direct child of your philosophy

  68. Long live conservatism! Twenty-first century conservatives include white, Hispanic, blacks, and Asian people, etc. The modern day liberal Demorats don’t own anyone. The PEOPLE spoke on 11/2. Get over it!

    I am so proud to be an American!!

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