Archive for the ‘Heather Lynn Vaughan’ Category

Did She Abandon Her Kids to Party?
October 14, 2008



UPDATE: CPS has placed all of the children with the father of the one year old twins. He is not the biological father of the 4 year old, but according to CPS he does have a loving relationship with her.  The mother remains in jail.

 25 year old Heather Lynn Vaughan is being charged with three felony counts of child endangerment.

According to investigators with the Harris County Precinct four office,Vaughan left her four year old daughter and one year old twins alone in their apartment Monday night so she could go party in Conroe.

A neighbor reported hearing the children cry, and the apartment management called authorities.

Deputy constables discovered the older child alone on the couch watching TV.  Her younger siblings were locked in a bedroom.

Authorities say one was naked, the other was wearing a dirty diaper.

The children have been taken to a local hospital and will be released into CPS custody.

CPS is trying to locate family members and identify the children’s biological father.

What would cause a mother to (allegedly) leave her helpless children alone to fend for themselves?

Vaughan is lucky that the children were not physically harmed while they waited for a loving adult to return home to feed and care for them.