Archive for the ‘John Faulk’ Category

Campaign Turns Ugly and Personal In 18th Congressional District
September 27, 2010

If   you have listened recently to local radio you have probably heard a political ad paid for by John Faulk, the republican candidate for the 18th Congressional District.

Faulk is trying to link incumbent  democratic Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee to a scandal plaguing the Congressional Black Congress.   

U.S. Rep. Bernice Johnson of  Dallas has admitted that she awarded college scholarships worth thousands of  dollars to family members and family members of  friends.

There is no evidence that Congresswoman Jackson Lee has done anything wrong. 

However, in the radio spot you hear  a woman’s voice raising doubt about SJL’s  record and questioning if  she has any connection to the controversy.

The Congresswoman’s campaign released this statement: 


(Houston, TX)…..As the upcoming November 2nd General Election approaches, it appears to be business as usual for Republican candidate John Faulk who is attempting to smear the incumbent representative of the 18th Congressional District, Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, with his latest advertising tactic.  Faulk, a candidate with no record, is using “lies and misrepresentation” to smear his opponent who continues to run on her record of service and ability to bring millions of dollars back to the constituents within her district.

Faulk’s latest radio ad, which has a racist undertone and is attempting to confuse and mislead the voters with a commercial with an African American female voice, refers to the alleged actions of another congressional representative and attempts to smear Jackson Lee and question her credibility. This unfortunately is the usual “low down, dirty political tactics” of many Republicans.  The voters are astute enough to see beyond this type of negative campaigning.

Jackson Lee has continually represented and brought resources back to Texas and the 18th Congressional District for 15 years including: she has brought $6 billion in stimulus money and 269,000 jobs to Houston and Texas as a part of the American Recovery & Reinvestment Act; she has brought $1.7 billion for improvement of school and schools and colleges; she has brought $374.5 million for transit improvements; she has brought $120.4 million for public housing projects; she has brought $147.2 million to enhance public safety within our communities; she has brought 1 million dollars to Riverside General Hospital for its TRICARE Participant designation to treat military personnel for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorders; $15 million to the Houston Ship Channel; $300,000 to the Texas Southern University’s Mickey Leland Center for archival preservation; $1 million for Harris County Flood Control District; $500,000 for a minority cancer control program at the University of Texas; $200,000 for both the City of Houston and FEMA Pre-Disaster Mitigation along with funding for many other worthwhile projects. 

Jackson Lee, a lifelong Democrat, has a committed and demonstrated track record of service to her district, community and nation.  Republican John Faulk has no record within the district and as a result is attempting to use smear tactics instead of focusing on the issues that affect the constituents of the district.  What is Faulk planning to do for the constituents in addressing the issues of the 18th Congressional District is the real question?