Archive for the ‘Poliltics’ Category

Perry Campaign Releases New Ad Attacking Pres.Obama
December 7, 2011

As Governor Rick Perry tries to reboot his presidential campaign, he has released a new ad called: “Strong” Defending Faith Against Obama Policies

The 30- second television ad attacks gays in the military and the ban on prayer in schools and what Perry calls President Obama’s “war on religion”

Here’s the text of the ad: Gov. Perry: “I’m not ashamed to admit that I’m a Christian, but you don’t need to be in the pew every Sunday to know there’s something wrong in this country when gays can serve openly in the military but our kids can’t openly celebrate Christmas or pray in school.”

“As President, I’ll end Obama’s war on religion. And I’ll fight against liberal attacks on our religious heritage.”

“Faith made America strong. It can make her strong again.”

I’m Rick Perry and I approve this message. Text: Approved by Rick Perry and paid for by, Inc.

Will Prominent Attorney Influence Council Runoff Race?
December 4, 2011

On Saturday, December 10, Houston Voters will decide the outcome of the city council at-large position 5 race between incumbent Jolanda Jones and chiropractor Jack Chrstie.

As early voting got underway, some targeted households received a mail piece from the Christie campaign touting an endorsement from prominent Houston attorney Rusty Hardin.

Hardin, the father of a Houston police officer, says he’s endorsing Christie because of “incredibly irresponsible” comments Jones made earlier this year about police. Hardin says Jones “further endangered” officers when she handed out cards advertising her law firm which instructed people to never talk to police.

Those cards triggered an investigation by the city’s Office of Inspector General, because phone numbers for Jones’ private law practice and her taxpayer funded council office were printed on the cards. She was cleared of any wrongdoing, but was chastised in the report for showing poor judgment.

Hardin, who has represented such high profile criminal defendants as former baseball player Roger Clemens, former basketball star Calvin Murphy and former Harris County Commissioner Jerry Eversole, is well respected by many Houstonians.
Considering his son’s occupation as a Houston police officer, it’s not surprising that he would take a stand on this issue.

Jones certainly has many personal and political friends sticking by her.
Congressman Al Green recently hosted a fundraiser for her runoff race and Jones has her own mail piece targeting voters.


Perry Watch: The Governor Responds to “Ni****Rock” Controversy
October 3, 2011

Governor Rick Perry’s campaign is blasting a Washington Post report that claims the GOP presidential candidate and his family maintained hunting grounds with a racially offensive name.

(KPRC Local 2 is owned by The Washington Post Company)

The newspaper reported the word “Niggerhead” was the site’s official name and the racist epithet was painted on a rock at the entrance to the property near Perry’s hometown of Paint Creek.

At least one of Governor Perry’s political rivals, Hermann Cain, made it an issue Sunday.

The Perry campaign released the statement below:

AUSTIN – Perry Campaign Communications Director Ray Sullivan today released the following statement regarding Herman Cain’s comments this morning on Fox News Sunday:

“Mr. Cain is wrong about the Perry family’s quick action to eliminate the word on the rock, but is right the word written by others long ago is insensitive and offensive. That is why the Perrys took quick action to cover and obscure it.”

The Post story acknowledges the rock had been painted and turned over. The Perrys did not own, name or control the property, they simply rented hunting rights to 1,000 acres of the ranch.

As Gov. Perry told the Washington Post, “The old name has its origins from another time and era when unfortunately, offensive language was used to name some land formations around the country. When my dad joined the lease in 1983, he soon painted over the offensive word. It is my understanding that the rock was also turned over to further obscure what was originally written on it.”

Rick Perry has a long and strong record of inclusiveness and appointing African Americans to key state posts, including Chief Justice of the Texas Supreme Court, his former chief of staff and general counsels, university regents, parks and wildlife commissioner and other high profile posts.

As the governor also told the Post, “I judge folks by their character and ethics. As governor, I represent a big, fast-growing and diverse state. My appointments and actions represent the whole state, including our growing diversity, such as appointment of the first African-American Supreme Court Justice – whom I later appointed Chief Justice – and the first Latina Secretary of State.”

Mayor Parker Names New Deputy Chief of Staff
September 21, 2011

Mayor Annise Parker has quietly made some Important behind the scenes changes in her administration.

In August, Darrin Hall was named deputy chief of staff.

His responsibilities include municipal courts IT, administrative and regulatory affairs, health and human services and the Houston Fire Department


I meant to post this several weeks ago.
Darrin is a nice guy and I wish him the best of luck in his new role.

I’m waiting to see if the Mayor adds media management to his long list of responsibilities 🙂

Perry Watch: What Gov. Perry Has to Say About Pres. Obama’s Jobs Speech
September 8, 2011

(News Release)

Statement by Texas Gov. Rick Perry on President Obama’s Speech

Gov. Rick Perry today released the following statement regarding President Barack Obama’s speech to Congress:

“President Obama’s call for nearly a half-trillion dollars in more government stimulus when America has more than $14 trillion in debt is guided by his mistaken belief that we can spend our way to prosperity.

“Like the president’s earlier $800 billion stimulus program, this proposal offers little hope for millions of Americans who have lost jobs on his watch, and taxpayers who are rightly concerned that their children will inherit a mountain of debt.

“America needs jobs, smaller government, less spending and a president with the courage to offer more than yet another speech.”

Wildfires Force Gov. Perry to Leave Campaign Trail and Return to Texas
September 5, 2011

After taking part in several presidential campaign events, Governor Rick Perry announced he is returning to Texas to oversee the state’s response to the devastating wildfires near Austin.

The flames have consumed three hundred homes and scorched more than fourteen thousand acres.

Governor Perry did cancel one appearance he was scheduled to make with several of his GOP challengers and South Carolina Senator Jim DeMint.

The governor’s office released this statement a little while ago:

Gov. Perry: All Necessary State Resources Made Available to Protect Lives, Property

Urges Texans to Heed Warnings of Statewide Wildfire Threat

AUSTIN – Gov. Rick Perry continues to closely monitor the ongoing wildfires with updates from his staff and State Emergency Management Chief Nim Kidd. He will return to Texas this afternoon. The governor is urging all Texans to closely monitor conditions and reports, and heed all warnings from local officials as extremely dry and windy conditions are expected to continue fueling wildfires that continue are raging across the state.

“The wildfire situation in Texas is severe and all necessary state resources are being made available to protect lives and property,” Gov. Perry said. “I urge Texans to take extreme caution as we continue to see the devastating effects of sweeping wildfires impacting both rural and urban areas of the state. Our thoughts and prayers are with the first responders who are working around the clock to keep Texans out of harm’s way, and with the families across our state who are threatened by these wildfires.”

Over the weekend, the Texas Forest Service (TFS) responded to 63 new fires that have burned approximately 32,936 acres, including new fires in Bastrop, Travis, Henderson, Limestone, Caldwell and Colorado counties, among others. TFS also continues to battle existing wildfires, including major fires in Palo Pinto, Briscoe, Coryell and Montague counties.

Additional state resources assisting with wildfire response include:

· Texas Forest Service, with 15 single-engine air tankers, 12 helicopters, and 13 aerial supervision aircraft assets deployed to multiple fires;
· Texas Military Forces, with 2 CH-47 Chinook Aircraft and 2 UH-60 Blackhawks staged in Austin to fight central Texas fires, 2 UH-60 Blackhawks in San Antonio assisting with the fires in Colorado County, and 3 ground wildfire support packages consisting of 4 dozers and 16 personnel each;
· Texas Department of Public Safety emergency management personnel, highway patrol troopers, air assets and a mobile communications center deployed to Bastrop County; and
· Texas Department of Transportation is providing personnel, equipment, and fuel to responders.

Additionally, the Texas Intrastate Fire Mutual Aid System (TIFMAS), a network of Texas fire departments willing to provide emergency resources to neighboring communities during the threat of disaster, is activated. TIFMAS resources deployed statewide include 13 command vehicles, 50 fire engines and 121 personnel (Central Texas resources specifically include five command vehicles, 19 fire engines and 47 personnel).

Since the beginning of wildfire season, local and state firefighters have responded to more than 20,900 fires that have destroyed more than 1,000 homes and burned more than 3.6 million acres. Gov. Perry has reissued his disaster proclamation nine times this wildfire season; it was originally issued on Dec. 21, 2010.

In addition to the state proclamations in April, the governor sent a letter to President Obama requesting a Major Disaster Declaration, which would have made the state eligible for Direct Federal Assistance and Emergency Protective Measures from the federal government. The Obama Administration denied this request on May 3. Gov. Perry appealed the president’s decision on May 26, and received partial approval of relief on July 1. A request to expand the scope of federal relief is still pending.
To view the governor’s renewed disaster proclamation, please visit

For more information on preparing for wildfire threats, please visit

Perry Watch: Gov. Comments on Jobs Numbers
September 2, 2011

The August jobs numbers were released today and the report isn’t good.

No new jobs were created last month and unemployment remains at a disappointing 9.1%.

“President Obama’s job-killing polices continue to wreak havoc on the American economy,” said Governor Perry. “The poor national jobs picture stands in stark contrast to Texas’ pro-jobs, limited government policies which helped make us the top job-producing state in the nation. Our country cannot afford four more years of economic misery, and I will continue to travel the county talking about ways to get American working again.”

Meanwhile, Perry also announced top members of his campaign team today. These are the behind the scenes folks who will help craft the message:

AUSTIN – Texas Gov. Rick Perry has announced key members of his presidential campaign staff, including Rob Johnson as campaign manager, Deirdre Delisi as policy and strategy director, Wayne Hamilton as political director and Ray Sullivan has been named communications director. Eric Bearse will serve as deputy communications director, Mark Miner as national press secretary, Robert Black as travel press secretary, and Katherine Cesinger as state press director (working with state media across the country).

“I am committed to turning our country back into the land of opportunity as the next president of the United States, and I have complete confidence in the top members of my presidential campaign staff to help get us there,” Gov. Rick Perry said. “The individuals heading up this campaign are professional, each of them has extensive experience in running successful campaigns, and I look forward to working closely with this talented team of experts to take our message to the people of this country and get America working again.”

Rob Johnson has extensive experience in political campaigns and government relations. He recently served as senior advisor to Gov. Perry in the Texas Governor’s Office. Johnson previously served as campaign manager to the governor’s successful 2010 gubernatorial re-election campaign. Prior to that, he was chief of staff to Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst, and also served as his deputy chief of staff and campaign manager of his 2002 campaign. He also served as chief of staff to Congressman Jay Dickey in Washington, D.C. Johnson received bachelor’s degrees in political science and public relations from Southern Methodist University.

Deirdre Delisi has most recently served as the chair of the Texas Transportation Commission, which oversees the statewide activities of the Texas Department of Transportation. Delisi has more than 14 years experience in government policy. She served as chief of staff and deputy chief of staff to Gov. Perry, and served as his special assistant when he was lieutenant governor. She is a former policy advisor to the presidential campaigns of Lamar Alexander and George W. Bush. Delisi earned a bachelor’s degree in political science from Duke University and master’s degree in international policy studies from Stanford University.

Wayne Hamilton is the past executive director of the Republican Party of Texas, where he was the longest serving executive director in the party’s history. Prior to that, he was a senior campaign aide to Congressman Joe Barton. For the past eight years, Hamilton has worked as a consultant, focusing on governmental affairs, corporate public affairs, political consulting, and event and project management, successfully managing projects in 15 states. After the historic Republican victories of 2002, including Gov. Perry’s election, Hamilton served as executive director of the 2003 Texas Inaugural Committee. In 2007, and again in 2011, Hamilton was again asked to serve as the executive director of the Inaugural Committees. He is a graduate of Dallas Baptist University in Dallas.

Ray Sullivan has 22 years of government and public relations experience, most recently serving as Gov. Perry’s chief of staff at the Texas Capitol. Prior to that, he operated Sullivan Public Affairs, an Austin-based public and government relations firm. Between 1998 and 2002, he worked in various roles for Perry, including deputy chief of staff, communications director to then Lt. Gov. Perry, and communications director for the 1998 and 2002 campaigns. During the 2000 presidential campaign, Sullivan served as a national spokesman for George W. Bush for President in Austin, including stints in Tallahassee and Broward County during the Florida recount. He also worked in the communications office of Bush-Quayle’92, and from 1995 to 1998, Sullivan served as deputy communications director for then Gov. George W. Bush. He also worked as a political consultant at Karl Rove + Company, and worked for U.S. Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX), Congressman Duncan Hunter (R-CA) and Congressman Sam Johnson (R-Plano) in Washington, D.C. Sullivan graduated from San Diego State University with a degree in business marketing.

A veteran speechwriter, communications consultant, and political adviser to candidates and officeholders, Bearse formed Bearse & Company, LLC in 2007, a communications and political consulting firm. Since that time, he has provided political and communications consulting services to Texas House Speaker Joe Straus, Comptroller Susan Combs, Attorney General Greg Abbott and Railroad Commissioner Michael Williams. Bearse wrote speeches for Gov. Perry for eight years (1999 – 2007), including two inaugural addresses, four “state of the state” speeches and several Republican State Convention addresses. He has also written speeches for university officials and private citizens, and directed grassroots and media campaigns for private organizations. Bearse worked for six political campaigns in Texas – including Gov. Perry’s campaigns for lieutenant governor and governor – and consulted on several political campaigns in the 2008 and 2010 election cycle. A 1993 graduate of Texas A&M University, Bearse was a member of the Fightin’ Texas Aggie Corps of Cadets and earned a bachelor’s degree in political science.

Miner served as communications director for Gov. Perry during the 2011 and 2009 legislative sessions. He also recently served as communications director for Gov. Perry’s successful 2010 gubernatorial re-election campaign. He also previously served as communications director for Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst, former Virginia Gov. Jim Gilmore, the Republican National Committee and the Bill Simon for Governor Campaign in California. Miner graduated from Michigan State University in 1987 with a bachelor’s degree in communications.

Black has more than a decade of political and government experience, most recently serving as the director of governmental affairs for American Electric Power. He served as Gov. Perry’s press secretary and communications director from 2003 to 2008, as well as directing the governor’s communications efforts during his successful 2006 gubernatorial re-election bid. Previously, he served as the communications director for Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott’s successful 2002 campaign and as the communications director for the Republican Party of Texas from 1998 – 2001. Black graduated from the University of Texas – San Antonio.

Cesinger has worked for Gov. Perry for nearly seven years, most recently serving as his press secretary at the state capitol. Prior to that, she served as deputy press secretary for three years. Cesinger also served as communications director for the Governor’s Competitiveness Council, and has worked in the governor’s budget, planning and policy division as well as the office’s legislative division. Prior to working in the Texas Governor’s Office, she worked for the Louisiana House of Representatives. Cesinger earned a bachelor’s degree in political science from Louisiana State University

Governor Perry is Late to The Campaign But On Time for Contributions
August 31, 2011

Fresh off a weekend campaign swing through Iowa. Governor Rick Perry is making a stop in Houston today to raise cash for his presidential bid.

The evening begins with a private reception for sponsors and hosts followed by a private dinner just for sponsors.

The minimum cost to attend is $2,500, which is the legal limit per person.

How much money does his campaign team hope to rake in?

Sources tell me Perry’s campaign will raise about $3 Million during his Houston visit. (A source attending the Wednesday night reception says the figure has been revised up to $4 Million)

That’s not bad for a candidate who joined the GOP presidential primary late.

Perry’s campaign has put together what one national report called, “an impressive roster of bundlers who have each signed up to bring in sums ranging from $50,000 to $500,000.”

One source said the number was “multiples of President Obama’s bundlers.”

This is all positive news for Governor Perry who, according to several major political polls, is leading the pack of GOP hopefuls and closing in on President Barack Obama.

League of Women Voters Houston Celebrates 91 Years of Equality
August 26, 2011

Historic Day in History: On August 26, 1920, the 19th amendment to the United States Constitution went into effect giving women the right to vote.

Earlier this week, The League of Women Voters Houston gathered to celebrate the “courage, perseverance and achievements of women who fulfill the promise of the 19th Amendment.”

The Houston League is led by President Linda Cohn and Executive Director Christina Gorcynski.


Dozens of elected officials along with political candidates, civic and business leaders attended the Women’s Equality Day event at John Palmer Fine Art Gallery in the Heights.


The League Houston also recognized several rising stars. Recipients included: METRO’s Russ Frank,
environmental queen Catarina Gonzalez Cron, Shelly White Millwee of the American Heart Association and Cameron Waldner, Chief Service Officer for the City of Houston.




During the last decade, the Houston League distributed 1.5 million printed copies of its signature publication, The Voters Guide. Local League volunteers have also registered over 50,000 new voters.




You can sign up to volunteer or learn more at

Gov. Perry’s Statement on End of Special Session
June 29, 2011

R i c k P e r r y

Statement by Gov. Rick Perry on End of 2011 Legislative Session

AUSTIN – Gov. Rick Perry today issued the following statement regarding the end of the legislative session:

“I’m proud of Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst, Speaker Joe Straus and lawmakers’ principled leadership to pass a balanced budget that doesn’t raise taxes and preserves billions unspent in our Rainy Day Fund, leaving our state on firm fiscal footing for the future. The decisions made were difficult, but lawmakers should take pride in the fact that they did what families all across Texas are doing: living within their means. I’m also proud we passed legislation that effectively reforms the Texas Windstorm Insurance Association, addresses necessary health care efficiencies and completes congressional redistricting.

“Although I am disappointed lawmakers did not finalize legislation that would have banned sanctuary cities, I commend the Legislature’s work to pass measures that further strengthen our legal system through loser pays lawsuit reform, uphold the integrity of the ballot box by requiring voters to present photo ID at polling places, protect unborn life by requiring an ultrasound before an abortion, strengthen private property rights, and increase penalties for individuals who participate in human trafficking. And although the airport pat-down bill did not pass, it did initiate a public discussion and some changes in airport security procedures.

“Ultimately the measures we have worked together to complete this session will keep Texas a model of good, efficient and limited governance that other states and the federal government should follow.”

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