Archive for the ‘Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal’ Category

Gov. Bobby Jindal to Campaign for Olson
October 7, 2008

Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal wil  travel to Houston next Monday, October 13,  to campaign for Pete Olson, republican candidate for the 22nd Congressional District.

Governor Jindal, who was once mentioned as a possible vice presidential running mate for Senator John McCain, is well respected in the republican ranks.

Olson is challenging incumbent U.S. Congressman Nick Lampson (democrat). 

Why does the governor of Louisiana need to travel to Texas to tell local people how to vote in this race?

Republicans are eager to reclaim the seat that Congressman Lampson currently holds.
It once belonged to former Majority Leader Tom “the hammer” Delay, and the party faithful believe the district leans republican, and should be represented by a conservative.